Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Inspired by my cousin, Gretchen, I have decided to add links to books I'm reading through the new year. I love to read and am always on the lookout for good books. I enjoy fiction as well as books that will help me grow.

One of the books that I have read over and over has been "My Utmost For His Highest" by Oswald Chambers. I read the one with the more modern language. My mom has raved about this book for years and it didn't click with me until about 15 years ago. The book has been on my shelf for the past 5 years and this past week I decided I needed to add it to my daily devotions again. It's like finding an old friend. Chamber's writings are thought-provoking and challenging. It's exactly what I a medicine for my soul. The link will take you to a site where you can read the devotions for the day. I love my book, though. It's marked, underlined and highlighted just like an old treasured Bible.

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