Thursday, January 24, 2008

Show & Tell Friday

While going through a box of love notes from my children (you know, Mother's Day cards, things written at school, etc), I decided that they were just too cute to keep in a box, only looked at once a year or so.

I chose a favorite note or story from each child. The only frame I had available at the time was actually large enough to accomodate all of the notes. I backed the backing board with fabric, attatched the notes and trimmed it all with ribbon. It now has a place of honor on my bedroom wall. I love looking at it from time to time, remembering (and missing) the days when my house was full of little kids. (Oh boy, I'm feeling somewhat emotional here!!)

This one is from Joshua. He must have been in 4th or 5th grade (he's 22 now!). He drew a picture of his dad and wrote a nice story about him and ended it with how much he loved his dad.

This little card is from Amy to me. I'm guessing she was in 3rd or 4th grade (she's almost 20). It's so cute because she always had trouble with spelling so we often laugh at the way she spelled some words (notice "Dera Mom") Anyways what makes it so adorable is she gave me a quarter!!!!! Yep, she taped it to the card!! How cute is that?

For more Show & Tell fun, visit Kelli over at No Place Like Home.


Julieann said...

Those are absolutely priceless!!! I did something a little similiar with my children's artwork--I almost showed it today too...lOL. Your show and tell was very touching:)


Ingrid said...

That was a very good idea !

Betty said...

Aren't we so glad we hung on to those notes? I kept things and I'm so happy I did.....Betty

Hootin Anni said...

One EXCELLENT idea. To show off your gifts like this is just super.

My show n tell is posted. Drop in for a visit if you can find time, I love visitors. :o)

Nora Lee said...

What a sweet sweet way to display those precious documents! I too have many hand written cards and notes from my children (who are now in their 20's). You have given me a wonderful idea to display them. Thank you!


Tracy said...

What a sweet idea!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful idea. I have some things from my children. Thanks for the idea. Those are wonderful treasures.

LBP said...

What a terrific idea! Those notes are priceless.



ellen b. said...

Those are priceless and I love how you framed them. What a terrific idea. My kids are all in their 20's now. Blessings...

Anita said...

What a wonderful idea to frame those love letters written by your kids! They are even more special now!
Thanks for sharing and have a great week-end!


Dawn said...

I love this idea! My kids are still young, and I think I am going to have to steal this one. Great Show & Tell. Have a nice weekend!

~~Deby said...

...Great post....I really enjoyed it.

Susan said...

What a wonderful idea. I know a lot of us have these "stuck back" but how nice that you chose to display some.

Barbara H. said...

What a neat idea! I have some of my kids' things in a box and get them out every now and then. This would be good to do. It's funny, I love the people they are becoming, but sometimes I so miss those little boys.

Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts

GranthamLynn said...

What a lovely way to keep your memories. I just love it. I have lots of boxs of stuff too. Sounds like maybe the beautiful daughter isn't married yet. Here is a suggestion. I put together a scrapbook for my Son in Love for thier first Christmas after they were married. I put photo's of my daughter that I had save out that he had not seen. I put my thoughts and comments and left a space for her to write in later. It was a sweet gift and they loved it. I loved your idea and I am going to go search for a frame. I know just what I am going to put in it. Thanks. Blessings, Sherry

Kelly @ The Barefoot Mama said...


Oh wow, what treasures! This is a fantastic idea - I absolutely love it!

mrsjojo said...

I love the idea!

Donna Gotlib said...

I love the way that you have chosen to display your treasures. You have them out where you can enjoy them always. How wonderful.

Cheryl said...

So cute, great idea! ... I've often wanted to do things with my daughters drawings. One of these days I'll get to it lol

nancy said...

That is precious. I'm afraid it would make me pretty emotional, too.

Karla Cook @ Roads to Everywhere said...

How very sweet!

Momgen said...

Yes that kind of art work from kids are very memorable especially now that they are grown up. Its sweet. mine is in

Momgen said...

I came from the tropical place of Philippines.

Anonymous said...

Great idea!

I wanted to let you know I answered your question on my blog. Thanks

Kelli said...

What a wonderful keepsake, Rebecca! Such a clever way of displaying special treasures, thank you for sharing it with us!