Thursday, January 17, 2008

Show & Tell Friday

I haven't participated in Show & Tell Friday hosted by Kelli at No Place Like Home since before Christmas due to camera situations so I've had a few weeks about my post for today.

One of the things I always loved and admired at my grandparent's house was this shelf of my grandmother's that housed her teacup collection. There was just something about it that captured my attention and I just loved to stand there and look at it. One of the last times I was at their home, I went around and took pictures of some things that said "this is my grandparent's house" to me. Things that had been there for years. Things that I kind of always counted on seeing when I was there or things that evoked some very wonderful memories of my childhood times there. Of course, I took some pictures of this shelf.

About 1 1/2 years ago, I was browsing through Goodwill with my mom and guess what I found? A shelf just like my grandmother's. I snatched it up, not even caring about the price. That shelf was coming home with me. (I think it ended up being 4 or 5 dollars!) I hung it in my dining room on a large blank wall. It now houses two of my collections. One is a collection of little houses that Cliff collected for me one Christmas about 15 years ago. (has was so proud of himself!!) And a little collection of 1940-1950 looking children. On top, I have two "Gone With the Wind" figurines my mom gave me. Why? Because my grandmother had these same figurines on the top of hers. Yesterday while I was dusting it, I thought of my grandmother. These are the kinds of things I love having in my home. Things that evoke pleasant memories. Things that make us think those we love.

Thanks for stopping by today!


Betty said...

How fortunate that you found an identical shelf....I like your collections.....thanks for visiting with me....Betty

Cheryl said...

Fabulous looking shelf. I love that you placed those two Gone with the Wind figures in the same spot your grandmother had them ~sweet.

Martha said...

I love your shelf - and what a deal! It looks very nice how you have it made up. I think it is so neat when we are able to surround ourselves with memories of those we love and who love us. Thanks for sharing.


Susan said...

So wonderful you were able to find one for your home.

Unknown said...

I love to have things around that remind me of certain places and times in my past as well, especially my childhood. How fortunate to find a shelf like that.

Ingrid said...

These shelves are lovely ! I can understand that you wanted the same as your grandma ! I had an old shelf too but it became to small for my cat collection so I had to buy a vitrine.

Hootin Anni said...

Super find!!!! And then, you got me good-------Rhett and Scarlet....I collect them. My whole bedroom is movie stuff, and mostly GWTW~~~


My show n tell is posted. I'd love to have you visit me today. :o)

Anonymous said...

Good find and to have it match the one you already have. I love your collection.

~~Deby said...

I really like stories like this....
and what a nice way you have it displayed...memories are such a wonderful thing..

Muum said...

Very nice. You are smart to keep those memories. Sometimes things and places that you think will always be the same go away or change, just as people do. Thanks for visiting my blog!

ellen b. said...

How wonderful that you found that shelf. It really looks great filled with treasures that remind you of people you love. Blessings.

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Rebecca, I enjoyed seeing and hearing about your grandmother's tea cup shelf and how you found one too. That was a great bargain, just like it was meant for you alone! I like your collection on yours too, especially with Rhett and Scarlett. Great S&T!


Mandy said...

I loved seeing your pictures and reaading your story. My Grandma had shelves filled with figurines too, so everytime I dust my own figurines (many of which she gave me!) or buy a new one, I think about her.

Charity Grace said...

How sweet! I love it!

TJ said...

That's great that you found your own shelf. I have the picture that hung over the bed I slept in at my grandma's house. I loved just looking at the farm house and the dirt road and trees and to this day I think of grandma's house when I look at it.

Cjdusse said...

Beautiful shelf and the teacups are very special. I just love things that tells stories and carries sweet memories.... Carin

Nora Lee said...

How nice! I love your collections.


Barbara H. said...

I need to go to the Goodwill store -- I keep reading today about neat finds there! I go every now and then but it's off the beaten path and I don't always think about it.

That's so neat that you found shelves just like your grandmother's, and figurines, too. I agree, I love having things around that evoke memories of loved ones.

You're inspiring me to take pictures the next time I go to my folks' house. My mom passed away two years ago, and so far my step-father and sister have kept everything the same. Her style of decorating was different from what I like, so I wouldn't imitate hers, but I'd love to picture how she had things just because they remind me of her.

Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts

Jessica said...

What a great treasure! I appreciate you showing this because I'm looking for one myself to display my tea sets too and I really love the design. You've given me a great idea.

Unknown said...

Hi Rebecca :) Thank you for stopping by my blog... how sweet you were able to find a matching shelf like your grandmas!

nancy said...

What a good story. Just exactly alike. Amazing.

Betty said...

Rebecca, I really enjoyed your show and tell for today. I loved looking at your grandparents' shelf with all the cups and saucers.

It must have been a real thrill for you to find a shelf just like that. Wow!! What are the chances of you ever finding one just exactly the same? Slim to none. I know you are so proud of it.

I also like the figurines from the movie "Gone With The Wind".

Thanks for visiting me today and leaving a comment. I hope you will visit often.

nannykim said...

It is amazing that you found the identical shelf---surely what I call a God Wink--or like a kiss from God!

Leah said...

that is such a sweet story!!!! it made me want to go back home and take some pictures of my granny's house! thanks for sharing!

Cathy said...

What a wonderful shelf! Don't you just love it when you find treasures of the past!

Cathy :)

Lisa said...

That shelf is just grand! Thanks for sharing. I'm glad you found one. Oh, I loved the way I felt at my grandma's house. It was hard when she passed to go through and decide on what to sell and what to keep. Everything was so special to me!