Thursday, June 19, 2008

Show & Tell

My Grandma Adrian first introduced me to needle crafting when I was around 9 or 10. She traced a design from a color book onto a white flour-sack towel and placed it in an embroidery hoop. I spent hours running a chain-stitch around those designs. A couple years later, I was at the home of my Uncle Bill & Aunt Sue. Sue introduced me to stamped cross-stitch and bought a kit for me. During that summer I spent in Ohio, I worked on this sampler.

A few more years later, my sister introduced me to counted cross-stitch. I was absolutely hooked. It was a fairly inexpensive hobby and I loved looking through design books, choosing something to work on and buying all the skeins of floss. I have made so many designs through the years and have given most of them away. The other day, however, I cleaned out a drawer in my laundry room and came across several I had kept for myself.

The Christmas design here is was one of my favorites. I think I made this one at least 3 times for gifts. The little girl in the garden, I made right after we moved here to KS with the idea that I would frame it for Amy's room. Now that she's 20, it's hardly the style for her bedroom anymore.

I have an unfinished project that I set aside about 7 years ago. I think I have inspired myself to go back and finish it!

Thanks for checking out my Show & Tell today. To see more, head over to Kelli's at No Place Like Home.


Anonymous said...

Hi Rebecca,

I love needlework too - it's lovely to see your work!!

Thanks for sharing!

Ingrid said...

I had to learn this in school ! what a torture for me, lol !

Anonymous said...

Oh how beautiful! I especially love that little girl.

I just recently got back into cross stitch and showed a finished project today! I know I have one or two unfinished ones from way back but they wouldn't be suitable now -- at least not until grandkids come along. I don't think I could see the 18-count any more.

Hootin Anni said...

I love the one with the Christmas Carol...

Wow, that looks like a LOT of WORK! And you did so well. On all of them.

Happy Show n Tell Friday...have a great weekend. Stop by if you can find time!

Schotzy said...

Your crossstitch is amazing. I love it. I us3ed to do it but just cant stick to the project like I used to. I love the music piece. Lovely!!

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

Your cross stitch work is so beautiful! I haven't stitched in years but your beauty sparks a renewed interest again. Keep up the beautiful work :).

Simply Heart And Home said...


Such lovely work! I don't have the eyes for needlework except to admire it! :)

Have a lovely day!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing these pieces. My daughter does wonderful counted cross stitch. I am amazed at the way her back looks. Mine is a jumble but I enjoy attempting to create something that way. Monday night, I gave my granddaughter a small one to start and we worked side by side for a while. I'm hoping the interest in needle work continues. I plan to start her on piecing a nine patch block soon.
Mama Bear

Baba said...

Hi Rebecca, thanks for sharing your needlework with us. I have some unfinished cross-stitch projects that I need to complete...Have a good day.

Betsy Brock said...

Very nice! I've always loved samplers!

Betsy Brock said...

Surprisingly, that race got better for the 24 as time went along....and what a great finish! yea! Wasn't it fun to see him fly by 2nd, 3rd and 4th places when they wrecked!