Monday, April 28, 2008

A Second Chance

Last night while at a women's function at our church, we received word that a couple in our church were suddenly killed in an automobile accident. We were suddenly thrown into collective shock and grief. Almost 30 minutes later, as the word spread, we received another call that somewhere in the giving out of the details, someone got something mixed up. The couple was not in the accident. It was a step-grandson of theirs and the couple was fine.
I think this was the first time I have experienced the feelings that come from unexpected tragedy. In those first moments, when we thought the worlds of everyone who knew this couple was changed forever, things that seemed so important suddenly weren't so important anymore. How many times in our life are we given a second chance with something like this? A chance to re-evaluate? When everyone left last night, we left a little closer and with a whole lot more perspective on the frailty of life. You just never know and in a matter of minute, your life can be forever changed!
I have pondered these thoughts all day. This couple will never know the depth of emotion and love that was poured out on their behalf. And I believe that we as a church community will quite never be the same.

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