Several years ago, I began writing letters to my children. I usually write them when they go through a major event in their lives, just trying to impart a few words of wisdom to them. I've tucked them into scrapbook pages and I gave Josh one when he left for school. I'm sharing a part of the one I've written to Amy just to give you a glimpse of where my head and my heart are at/have been today.
Dear Amy,
Today is your last day at home. I know you'll be back to visit and may even spend the summer here but it won't ever be the same - you won't be living here - just staying while you visit. Tomorrow begins a new chapter in your life and I'm glad you're excited to begin it. I'm excited for all the new experiences you're going to have. You are ready, Amy. I just
don't know how this day came so soon. It seems just like yesterday I heard your dad yell in the delivery room, "It's a girl!" or your first Sunday to go to church and how excited I was to dress you up in a little pink dress and bonnet with lots of ribbon and lace. It seems like just yesterday that you were this tiny 5 year-old so anxious to go to kindergarten and coming home one day wondering what the spots were on your tummy (they were chicken-pox.)

Together we read nursery rhymes, learned to tie shoes, played games, and Barbies. Together we went to church and learned about God. Together we served Him with music. Together we laughed...alot and together we have also cried. Together we had thoughts and dreams of a wedding that will not be and together we will wait for God to bless you with a husband He has formed and fashioned just for you!
Amy, I want you to know that alone, I have been your biggest cheerleader. While you weren't looking, I have been on the sidelines of your life cheering you on. Alone I have waited up night after night for you to come home from work just to know you were safe and OK. I've been in the background, praying for you that you will know God, love Him and serve Him. I've been praying that when faced with choices and decisions, you'll do the right thing. Since the day you were born, Amy, I have always been there and I always will coninue to be!
You are such a joy to me, Amy. I love your outlook on life and your carefree attitudes. You possess a sweet and gentle spirit yet you are strong and independant...
(There's some more to this letter but the rest is just for Amy)
You all have a great weekend and Labor Day. I'll be back Tuesday.
I didn't want to cry, but the pictures of my sweet Amy have been in my head all day. I remember when it was me and how excited I was, I want the same for her. I never thought I would be going through this again (with grandchildren)..Let's just be happy for her...or at least try. :)
Love, Mom
Have a blessed weekend! It is a sweet letter!! I have so enjoyed each phase of my kids growth as I know you have and will. This is an exciting time for your daughter and for you. I loved seeing my children find things they loved and loved to do at college. I loved their excitment when they found courses they loved and friends and teachers they loved. I was thrilled when each found their own nitch. It is especially exciting to see them continue in their spiritual growth and be used to touch others for Christ. Blessings on you and yours.
What a wonderful letter. My husband and I have raised our 5 children on the mission field and have watched as each of them have left home to begin a life on their own, far from us. It is such a blessing to know that no matter how special and precious they are to me, the are so much more so to God.
Blessings from Costa Rica
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