Friday, August 15, 2008

Holding Patterns

Cliff has been driving trucks for the past 15 years. For a period of about a year, he drove a refrigerated delivery truck but for the other 14 years, it's been the 18-wheelers. Since moving here to KC, he's driven for 3 companies until finding his present employer 2 years ago. He works for a company that delivers parts to the Ford plant. He loves this job. As you know, gas prices have taken a toll on sales of automobiles that may not get the greatest gas mileage (like large trucks and SUV's). Because of this, he's been laid off the past month and was due to go back to work on Monday. We received word today that the lay-off has been extended another week. So my plans to have to house all to myself on Monday will have to wait another week!
I plan on spending the better part of next week helping my daughter get her things sorted and packed. I'm figuring it will be good therapy for me :-) We'll see. I've already shed several tears and right now I'm in a holding pattern. I can't begin to adjust to her being gone until she leaves!
Have a GREAT WEEKEND!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's so hard to see them leave out. The Lord seemed to have eased me into it with our son. He went to college in our home town before going off to college a few hours away. He started working later hours and then when he did go off he was back on the weekends and then every other weekend and by the time he got out of school I was use to it. Then he came home for 9 days and then moved about 10 minutes away. Still brings laundry home and comes to eat. Our daughter on the other hand had been home schooled all the way through school and was with me each day. She got married two weeks after our son moved out. She was here one day and gone the next. That was HARD! She's only about 15 minutes away but away the same. It's been a little over a year now and I've adjusted well. You will too. I'm praying for you. :-)