Sunday, August 2, 2009


I haven't done a post about my church for a long time...and that's incredible because the church is such a big part of my life. Not only do I work for our church but I am also a member. In fact, I think of myself as a member first and foremost because even if I didn't work for Liberty, I would still attend and serve there.

I look forward to Sundays. For me, that time in worship is a time to get away from all the "stuff" that's going on in the world around us. There's so much uncertainty and so much bad news. It's a priviledge to enter into a community and just enjoy being with people I love and worshiping together and learning more about Him.
I'm also part of a Bible study & prayer group for women that meets on Thursday mornings. We have met for 2 years now and I have seen God do some incredible things to and through this group. I can't explain how prayer works, I just know it does and I know I am changed by it. It's great to know that there are people who will help carry burdens through prayer and encourage you while you walk through not only that bad times but also the good ones. I need that. I need to be challenged & inspired. I need to be encouraged & loved. I receive that through my church. I think the most important thing, though, is that I'm constantly encouraged, challenged, & inspired to look up. To look to the One who loves me more than I ever thought possible.
Have a very blessed Sunday!!

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