Thursday, January 29, 2009

Birthday Boys

Between Christmas and the first week of January, we have 3 birthdays in our house...all the boys!!

*Cliff turned 46. He's always looked older than he is and has gotten automatic "senior" discounts for years!

*Joshua, the oldest turned 23. He's got a big semester of school ahead of him. Several concerts and trips. One of his highlights will be performing the lead in his school's musical, "Light in the Piazza."

*As mentioned in my previous post, our youngest son turned 16. I always have thought of Jacob & Emily as "the little kids" so to think that they are both teenagers is a bit mind boggling!!

Happy Birthday to the Boys!!


Elizabeth said...

Is Cliff turning into Santa Claus? My little boys will be very impressed! Haven't seen you "around" lately- glad you're feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Notice the picture behind Jacob, Amy & Paul John with blue tongues. One of my favorite pictures of them. LOL

Elizabeth said...

I noticed that too and one my favorites too. How did they grow up so fast?? It was taken at Paul's 3rd birthday.

Unknown said...

Those are some handsome Powell Men! I like Cliff's white least he HAS hair. Ours just falls out before it can get a chance to turn gray.
Happy Birthday Guys!