Thursday, March 3, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 31

30 Day Challenge: Day 31:
I find it so hard to believe an entire month has gone by!
I have to tell you, I enjoyed these past 30 days and I hope you found it an interesting, if not entertaining peek into my life (and my head.)
I discovered some new things about myself and some things I already knew. I think, however, I have a greater sense of appreciation for just how "wealthy" I am. I am so blessed and I try not to take for granted the gift of God that is my husband, my greatest accomplishments, who are my children, my heritage, which is my family tree, and my greatest love, which is my God. And I'm ever thankful that God's love isn't based on my love for Him but rather His for me.


Karen said...

I loved your 30 day challenge. Now keep up with it and do the 365. It's fun!

Anonymous said...

Awesome job, Rebecca! Love you, my friend!
Carol :)